Misc Graphic Artwork

This page is a collection of miscellaneous graphic art. Some cover art for soundtracks, work with video, instagram posts, art posters, graphic art explorations and more.

A collection of cover artwork for soundtracks.

A title sequence for an unreleased show and a mold of my head made in Blender.

A collection of graphic art explorations done in collaboration with photographers or self-shot.

Title and Act sequences from a personal mini documentary.

A collection of graphic posters.

A collection of images that are part of the branding package for an on-going poetry project named sex&skysurfing.

A brochure and flyer designed for Panyatsime Heritage and Cultural Centre that I also had the privilege of designing the logo for.

A collection of banners posted on instagram that were meant to be interacted with by swiping across one square image at a time.


1. Sunset Over Needles (Short Film)


3. Alberta Number One (Poster)